Utah Maternity Photographer | Tony Grove Lake Doula Maternity Photos

I love when other local small business owners choose me as their Utah maternity photographer. And Eva is one of my favorites! She is a doula, birth photographer, and prenatal massage specialist that serves northern Utah. She is such an amazing human! We’ve been doing each other’s family pictures for a few years now, and I was so excited when I found out she was pregnant and that this year I’d be doing her maternity pictures.

Before the session

Eva and I started planning her session in early June. I usually like to do my maternity sessions between 30-35ish weeks. And mid July fit the bill perfectly for that time frame. We knew that we wanted to shoot up at Tony Grove Lake, located about 45 minutes up Logan Canyon. The lake is absolutely gorgeous this time of year, with wildflowers just barely starting to bloom, evergreen trees are everywhere, with an easy walk around the entire lake. Its one of my favorite places to do pictures at. Eva told me that she would be wearing a beautiful olive green two-piece gown from Reclamation. You can find their Etsy shop HERE, where you’ll find so many beautiful gowns. And for me as a Utah maternity photographer, these dresses are so perfect for sessions.

Session Day

The day of our session ended up being slightly chaotic. We originally planned on a sunrise session, but Eva ended up having a birth client go into labor. So we switched to sunset! Then Eva was having car trouble and we thought we were going to have to switch locations. But after a lot of going back and forth, we just went for it at Tony Grove and shot into blue hour after started losing light. We walked around the lake over to the streams that feed the lake. We made several stops on our way back down the path to the parking lot and got some seriously gorgeous shots. The night ended with Eva in the lake, embracing the intimate side of maternity photography. She was glowing and gorgeous and perfect. Check out the images from Eva’s session below 👇 👇 👇

If you are in need of a doula or prenatal massage therapist in Northern Utah, go check out Eva’s Instagram! And then if you are ready to book a maternity session to remember your pregnancy, let’s chat! I would absolutely love to work with you!

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