
Logan Canyon, Utah | Jordynn Maternity Photos

I first met Jordynn when we worked together at a local utility billing company in Logan, Utah. We bonded over our mutual love of Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, both of which we are obsessed with. If you know anything about me, you’ll know that I am an avid Harry Potter fan, a true Slytherin, and am still waiting for my Hogwarts letter to come. We became good friends and later bonded over painting and playing Call of Duty with some of our other coworkers.

Eventually we both left the company and lost touch for a little while. But when Jordynn became pregnant with her and her husband’s first baby, she immediately reached out to me to book a maternity shoot in the late summer. If you’ve ever been to Utah in the summer, you’ll know how absolutely gorgeous it is here. And I’m so glad that we were able to do her Utah maternity photoshoot together.

Jordynn borrowed two dresses from my client closet. Both are from Baltic Born; the orange dress can be found HERE (although the orange is no longer in production, but the other colors are just as gorgeous) and the green dress can be found HERE. Baltic Born is one of my go to’s for dresses for my family sessions. They have so many beautiful options, the quality is fantastic, and the price point is mid-range (from about $50-$150).

One funny thing that happened at our Utah maternity session was when the conversation turned to birds. I am incredibly afraid of birds. They just freak me out. Jordynn loves birds. She was talking all about how she couldn’t wait to go on a trip to some specific place so she could find this specific bird. And she just laughed at me when I told her I was scared of birds. But to each their own I guess.

Jordynn had a beautiful baby boy in the fall. She and her husband, Derek, have since moved to Alaska, but I am following all of their adventures on Instagram.

You ready to book a maternity photoshoot with me? Let’s chat!




I'm a Utah family, motherhood, and boudoir photographer. My sessions are all filled with dramatic, bold, colorful, and emotive storytelling images. I'm a girl mom x2, chocolate chip cookie and Diet Coke obsessed, enneagram 8, and fantasy lover.

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